Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fluoridation To Be Ordained By Andrew Lansley Secretary Of State For Poison

The Secretary of State soon to be responsible for the mass poisoning of millions Of Britons, Purveyor Of Death - The Wrong and Dishonourable Andrew Lansley

From Janta

The Latest Disturbing Developments on Fluoride...
Dear Reader,

Our regular readers will know that the issue of water fluoridation is a contentious and on-going issue.

With the expected passing of the Health and Social Care Bill 2011, this thorny subject has raised its ugly head once again in the UK. If this Bill sees the light of day and becomes an Act of Parliament, it will give sweeping powers to the UK Secretary of State – currently Health Minister Andrew Lansley – while cutting out local opinion and ignoring current fluoride science... or at least, that's what the current wording of the Bill implies.

In the past, it was the Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) that decided whether fluoride should be added to the drinking water of different counties or districts in the UK. As soon as this new Bill comes into effect, it will pass the decision of 'water fluoridation' to local authorities, such as county or district councils, since they have to answer directly to the people who voted for them. On paper this all looks good... because in effect this should allow residents to play a part in the decision-making process of whether water supplies should be fluoridated or not.

Unfortunately, in reality, this won't be the case. Under the Health and Social Care Bill, the final say will lie with the Secretary of State, which means he/she will have the power to:

* Decide how any consultation over proposed fluoridation will take place, without consulting the public.
* Choose the members of the committees and Boards involved in making the decisions about fluoridation.
* Decide what procedures the decision-making bodies must follow.

Talk about a skewed democracy! In fact, this is more a case of one step forward and two steps back!

Ignoring the evidence...

Worse still, the new legislation does not include an amendment to change the concentration of fluoride that will be added to water supplies... despite the fact that thousands of people have been campaigning against the proposed high concentration (1mg per litre) of fluoride in the UK's public drinking water.

In fact, earlier this year the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed lowering the level of fluoride per litre of water from the current recommended range of 0.7– 1.2 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also announced a review of the maximum concentration of fluoride allowed in drinking water. Along with the US, the Irish government also reduced fluoride levels, in 2007, because of the high incidence of dental fluorosis among children who drank fluoridated water.

Countless studies have shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has absolutely no health benefits at all and the research has shown that this archaic practice does far more harm than good! For example, the results of the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health involving 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the US, showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

The irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discoloured and start crumbling. But that's nothing compared to the other ways that fluoride can attack your mind and body.

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminium - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients.

Three different osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures with fluoridation. And excessive fluoride has been shown to damage the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits.

And finally, a number of different studies have linked fluoride to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year, with a high incidence of bone cancer among men exposed to fluoridated water.

No one has ever suffered from a fluoride deficiency. That's because the human body does not need fluoride! Fluoride is a false magic bullet solution from a bygone era. Now, 65 years after water fluoridation began, it's time for the UK's medical authorities to realise that this stuff is just plain bad for you... Clearly, these guys are way out of touch when it comes to the latest studies on fluoride.

Apart from that, it is also very undemocratic to allow one person to decide the conditions for membership, and actual membership, of the committees considering fluoridation proposals, as well as the procedure those committees will follow when coming to a decision... and all that without consulting the public.

'I Attended Bin Laden's Funeral December 26th 2001'

His Ghost Fought On Nearly Ten More Years before US Seals finally gunned it down.

The translation from the Arabic has been verified on behalf of Global Research. This funeral announcement was published in the December 26 2001 edition of Al Wafd, Egypt.

Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Newspaper:

Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago

A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air.

The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.

Also see Mailonline article suggesting the subsequent 'videos from the cave' were all faked.

Prof Codevilla pointed to inconsistencies in the videos and claimed there have been no reputable sightings of Bin Laden for years (for instance, all interceptions by the West of communications made by the Al Qaeda leader suddenly ceased in late 2001).

Prof Codevilla asserted: 'The video and audio tapes alleged to be Osama's never convince the impartial observer,' he asserted. 'The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic, aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between the colours and styles of his beard are small stuff.'

There are other doubters, too. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's religious studies' department and the foremost Bin Laden expert, argues that the increasingly secular language in the video and audio tapes of Osama (his earliest ones are littered with references to God and the Prophet Mohammed) are inconsistent with his strict Islamic religion, Wahhabism.
He notes that, on one video, Bin Laden wears golden rings on his fingers, an adornment banned among Wahhabi followers.

Two Underground Cities Destroyed By Nuclear Explosions Two Weeks Before 911's Tenth Anniversary

Someone dropped this off in comments, the latest from Benjamin Fulford. It reads like a wish list for the end of the cabal which has secretly ruled the G5 for the last sixty years and more. Who knows if it is all real? It repeats that the most important underground cities in the USA were knocked out using nuclear weapons last month, denying the cabal their underground hideaways, which they plan to use when they cripple the earth's magnetosphere using HAARP, and fry humanity during the sun's next maximum in Spring 2013. The details of this plan were reported to The Tap by Gordon Logan (ex-em-aye-fave).

Benjamin Fulford writes on September 6th 2011 (URL is a comment in Project Avalon) -

The criminal cabal that has seized power in the G5 countries has reacted with new threats of mass terror to the concerted efforts by the nations and people of the world to remove them from power.

The latest threat, made by phone to a White Dragon Society member by some people who hid their identity, was that San Francisco and Damascus would be made “uninhabitable.” In reaction to this, a source contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that the entire extended families of any ruling bloodline found to be participating in genocide would be hunted down and exterminated down to the last individual. The source was not affiliated with the White Dragon Society but, they made it clear they that this threat was to be taken “very seriously.”

The repercussions of the secret late August meeting of financial representatives from 57 nations, meanwhile, continued to be felt last week. The criminal cabal that controls the Federal Reserve Board was engaged in a futile witch hunt trying to find who the participants were and what was discussed at the meeting. They are unlikely to find out much more than has been reported in this newsletter. That is to say White Dragon allies in the pentagon and US and world police agencies have access to the codes for the global collateral accounts. If necessary they will reveal who has accessed the world’s monetary assets for the past 60 years and what they spent that money on.

However, they would rather concentrate on the future and are still open to deals and compromises so long as the bottom line is that a major campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction is agreed to. The window of opportunity is fast closing now, and the guiltiest cabal members are probably now certain to face prison time or worse.

There is also a need here to make a correction from last week’s report. It turns out that a representative from Canada (this writer’s native land) was present at the 57-member Monaco meeting. He said Canada is a small country (in terms of population) that has to pretend to go along with whoever is formally in power in the G5 but that the Canadian power structure was full of White Dragon sympathizers.

There has also been more confirmation from CIA and pentagon sources that there was indeed an attack on two major underground facilities controlled by the cabal in the US. The food, gold and weapons depot the cabal had near Washington D.C. was destroyed in an atomic blast, these sources now confirm. The nature of the second attack remains uncertain but two sources say it was the cabal’s underground facilities near Denver, Colorado that were destroyed. The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of 85% of humanity.

There are plenty of signs for all to see now that the criminal cabal that controls the G5 countries is on the ropes.

In the US, of course the 10th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks is coming and the perpetrators of this attack know that the world’s governments, military forces and intelligentsia know that it was a high level cabal in the G5 governments that was behind the attack. The perpetrators are now certain to face justice within a year. There is a critical mass of officials within the US military and law-enforcement community that is preparing for a legal takedown of the criminal cabal behind both the 911 attacks and the Kennedy assassination and much more.

In Europe, the signs of imminent collapse of financial control are also becoming impossible to hide. It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market. In plain English that means they are already bankrupt and are cooking their books. The situation will only get worse over the coming weeks.

In Japan, as well, there is serious intrigue going on under the surface. At present hoodlums associated with the Ministry of Finance are threatening officials of the Bank of Japan and trying to force them to resign. The fight is over which faction in the US battle for power is going to be on the receiving end of the steady supply of yen that is keeping the US economy from imploding. The BOJ is now affiliated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon.

Recently deposed Prime Minister Naoto Kan as well as senior BOJ and MOF officials all called a White Dragon Society member about this conflict on Monday. The situation may have to be resolved through open gang warfare and a purge of all senior Federal Reserve Board agents from the Japanese power structure.

The cabal is obviously not going to take this sitting down. Their next big geopolitical move, according to CIA and pentagon sources, appears to be to try to provoke a war between Turkey and Israel. This is their latest attempt at a hail Mary pass to get them out of their predicament by starting WW3.

Unfortunately for them, the Israeli people are waking up to the fact they are being used by a criminal cabal. The demonstration of 450,000 people, about 25% of the population, was a clear sign of this.

To put that in perspective, it would be as if 75 million Americans turned out to demonstrate against their government. The complaints of the demonstrators for focused mainly on social justice which, at the end of the day, is what all the complaints against the ruling cabal are centered on.

It is unlikely either the Israelis or the Turks will allow themselves to be manipulated into war. Nor will people in other countries. The people of the planet earth want peace.

Here is Benjamin talking about his recent confrontation with the Yamaguchi Gumi at Kobe.