Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fluoridation To Be Ordained By Andrew Lansley Secretary Of State For Poison

The Secretary of State soon to be responsible for the mass poisoning of millions Of Britons, Purveyor Of Death - The Wrong and Dishonourable Andrew Lansley

From Janta

The Latest Disturbing Developments on Fluoride...
Dear Reader,

Our regular readers will know that the issue of water fluoridation is a contentious and on-going issue.

With the expected passing of the Health and Social Care Bill 2011, this thorny subject has raised its ugly head once again in the UK. If this Bill sees the light of day and becomes an Act of Parliament, it will give sweeping powers to the UK Secretary of State – currently Health Minister Andrew Lansley – while cutting out local opinion and ignoring current fluoride science... or at least, that's what the current wording of the Bill implies.

In the past, it was the Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) that decided whether fluoride should be added to the drinking water of different counties or districts in the UK. As soon as this new Bill comes into effect, it will pass the decision of 'water fluoridation' to local authorities, such as county or district councils, since they have to answer directly to the people who voted for them. On paper this all looks good... because in effect this should allow residents to play a part in the decision-making process of whether water supplies should be fluoridated or not.

Unfortunately, in reality, this won't be the case. Under the Health and Social Care Bill, the final say will lie with the Secretary of State, which means he/she will have the power to:

* Decide how any consultation over proposed fluoridation will take place, without consulting the public.
* Choose the members of the committees and Boards involved in making the decisions about fluoridation.
* Decide what procedures the decision-making bodies must follow.

Talk about a skewed democracy! In fact, this is more a case of one step forward and two steps back!

Ignoring the evidence...

Worse still, the new legislation does not include an amendment to change the concentration of fluoride that will be added to water supplies... despite the fact that thousands of people have been campaigning against the proposed high concentration (1mg per litre) of fluoride in the UK's public drinking water.

In fact, earlier this year the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed lowering the level of fluoride per litre of water from the current recommended range of 0.7– 1.2 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also announced a review of the maximum concentration of fluoride allowed in drinking water. Along with the US, the Irish government also reduced fluoride levels, in 2007, because of the high incidence of dental fluorosis among children who drank fluoridated water.

Countless studies have shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has absolutely no health benefits at all and the research has shown that this archaic practice does far more harm than good! For example, the results of the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health involving 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the US, showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

The irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discoloured and start crumbling. But that's nothing compared to the other ways that fluoride can attack your mind and body.

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminium - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients.

Three different osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures with fluoridation. And excessive fluoride has been shown to damage the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits.

And finally, a number of different studies have linked fluoride to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year, with a high incidence of bone cancer among men exposed to fluoridated water.

No one has ever suffered from a fluoride deficiency. That's because the human body does not need fluoride! Fluoride is a false magic bullet solution from a bygone era. Now, 65 years after water fluoridation began, it's time for the UK's medical authorities to realise that this stuff is just plain bad for you... Clearly, these guys are way out of touch when it comes to the latest studies on fluoride.

Apart from that, it is also very undemocratic to allow one person to decide the conditions for membership, and actual membership, of the committees considering fluoridation proposals, as well as the procedure those committees will follow when coming to a decision... and all that without consulting the public.

'I Attended Bin Laden's Funeral December 26th 2001'

His Ghost Fought On Nearly Ten More Years before US Seals finally gunned it down.

The translation from the Arabic has been verified on behalf of Global Research. This funeral announcement was published in the December 26 2001 edition of Al Wafd, Egypt.

Translation of Funeral Article in Egyptian Newspaper:

Al-Wafd, Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Vol 15 No 4633
News of Bin Laden's Death and Funeral 10 days ago

A prominent official in the Afghan Taleban movement announced yesterday the death of Osama bin Laden, the chief of al-Qa'da organization, stating that bin Laden suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, stated to The Observer of Pakistan that he had himself attended the funeral of bin Laden and saw his face prior to burial in Tora Bora 10 days ago. He mentioned that 30 of al-Qa'da fighters attended the burial as well as members of his family and some friends from the Taleban. In the farewell ceremony to his final rest guns were fired in the air.

The official stated that it is difficult to pinpoint the burial location of bin Laden because according to the Wahhabi tradition no mark is left by the grave. He stressed that it is unlikely that the American forces would ever uncover any traces of bin Laden.

Also see Mailonline article suggesting the subsequent 'videos from the cave' were all faked.

Prof Codevilla pointed to inconsistencies in the videos and claimed there have been no reputable sightings of Bin Laden for years (for instance, all interceptions by the West of communications made by the Al Qaeda leader suddenly ceased in late 2001).

Prof Codevilla asserted: 'The video and audio tapes alleged to be Osama's never convince the impartial observer,' he asserted. 'The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic, aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between the colours and styles of his beard are small stuff.'

There are other doubters, too. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's religious studies' department and the foremost Bin Laden expert, argues that the increasingly secular language in the video and audio tapes of Osama (his earliest ones are littered with references to God and the Prophet Mohammed) are inconsistent with his strict Islamic religion, Wahhabism.
He notes that, on one video, Bin Laden wears golden rings on his fingers, an adornment banned among Wahhabi followers.

Two Underground Cities Destroyed By Nuclear Explosions Two Weeks Before 911's Tenth Anniversary

Someone dropped this off in comments, the latest from Benjamin Fulford. It reads like a wish list for the end of the cabal which has secretly ruled the G5 for the last sixty years and more. Who knows if it is all real? It repeats that the most important underground cities in the USA were knocked out using nuclear weapons last month, denying the cabal their underground hideaways, which they plan to use when they cripple the earth's magnetosphere using HAARP, and fry humanity during the sun's next maximum in Spring 2013. The details of this plan were reported to The Tap by Gordon Logan (ex-em-aye-fave).

Benjamin Fulford writes on September 6th 2011 (URL is a comment in Project Avalon) -

The criminal cabal that has seized power in the G5 countries has reacted with new threats of mass terror to the concerted efforts by the nations and people of the world to remove them from power.

The latest threat, made by phone to a White Dragon Society member by some people who hid their identity, was that San Francisco and Damascus would be made “uninhabitable.” In reaction to this, a source contacted the White Dragon Society and promised that the entire extended families of any ruling bloodline found to be participating in genocide would be hunted down and exterminated down to the last individual. The source was not affiliated with the White Dragon Society but, they made it clear they that this threat was to be taken “very seriously.”

The repercussions of the secret late August meeting of financial representatives from 57 nations, meanwhile, continued to be felt last week. The criminal cabal that controls the Federal Reserve Board was engaged in a futile witch hunt trying to find who the participants were and what was discussed at the meeting. They are unlikely to find out much more than has been reported in this newsletter. That is to say White Dragon allies in the pentagon and US and world police agencies have access to the codes for the global collateral accounts. If necessary they will reveal who has accessed the world’s monetary assets for the past 60 years and what they spent that money on.

However, they would rather concentrate on the future and are still open to deals and compromises so long as the bottom line is that a major campaign to end poverty, end war and stop environmental destruction is agreed to. The window of opportunity is fast closing now, and the guiltiest cabal members are probably now certain to face prison time or worse.

There is also a need here to make a correction from last week’s report. It turns out that a representative from Canada (this writer’s native land) was present at the 57-member Monaco meeting. He said Canada is a small country (in terms of population) that has to pretend to go along with whoever is formally in power in the G5 but that the Canadian power structure was full of White Dragon sympathizers.

There has also been more confirmation from CIA and pentagon sources that there was indeed an attack on two major underground facilities controlled by the cabal in the US. The food, gold and weapons depot the cabal had near Washington D.C. was destroyed in an atomic blast, these sources now confirm. The nature of the second attack remains uncertain but two sources say it was the cabal’s underground facilities near Denver, Colorado that were destroyed. The people behind this attack have detailed maps of the US underground base and tunnel network and have promised more attacks if necessary to prevent the planned murder of 85% of humanity.

There are plenty of signs for all to see now that the criminal cabal that controls the G5 countries is on the ropes.

In the US, of course the 10th anniversary of the 911 terror attacks is coming and the perpetrators of this attack know that the world’s governments, military forces and intelligentsia know that it was a high level cabal in the G5 governments that was behind the attack. The perpetrators are now certain to face justice within a year. There is a critical mass of officials within the US military and law-enforcement community that is preparing for a legal takedown of the criminal cabal behind both the 911 attacks and the Kennedy assassination and much more.

In Europe, the signs of imminent collapse of financial control are also becoming impossible to hide. It has got to the point where even Deutschebank CEO Josef Ackerman is saying that many major European banks would become insolvent if they had to mark their sovereign debt to market. In plain English that means they are already bankrupt and are cooking their books. The situation will only get worse over the coming weeks.

In Japan, as well, there is serious intrigue going on under the surface. At present hoodlums associated with the Ministry of Finance are threatening officials of the Bank of Japan and trying to force them to resign. The fight is over which faction in the US battle for power is going to be on the receiving end of the steady supply of yen that is keeping the US economy from imploding. The BOJ is now affiliated with the White Dragon Society and wants the money to flow to white hats within the pentagon.

Recently deposed Prime Minister Naoto Kan as well as senior BOJ and MOF officials all called a White Dragon Society member about this conflict on Monday. The situation may have to be resolved through open gang warfare and a purge of all senior Federal Reserve Board agents from the Japanese power structure.

The cabal is obviously not going to take this sitting down. Their next big geopolitical move, according to CIA and pentagon sources, appears to be to try to provoke a war between Turkey and Israel. This is their latest attempt at a hail Mary pass to get them out of their predicament by starting WW3.

Unfortunately for them, the Israeli people are waking up to the fact they are being used by a criminal cabal. The demonstration of 450,000 people, about 25% of the population, was a clear sign of this.

To put that in perspective, it would be as if 75 million Americans turned out to demonstrate against their government. The complaints of the demonstrators for focused mainly on social justice which, at the end of the day, is what all the complaints against the ruling cabal are centered on.

It is unlikely either the Israelis or the Turks will allow themselves to be manipulated into war. Nor will people in other countries. The people of the planet earth want peace.

Here is Benjamin talking about his recent confrontation with the Yamaguchi Gumi at Kobe.

Nurse Rebecca Leighton Looks Like A Scapegoat

Presumably saline ampoules have seals.  Were the seals of the 36 contaminated ampoules discovered in the store room tampered with?  Even if they were (as part of an attempt to frame someone - it would be so obvious), it would not be easy to manually contaminate at exactly the same concentration 36 ampoules.  It sounds more like an error made by the suppliers, not by a nurse, whose job is to dispense.
Valerie Rowlinson, who was her nursing mentor during her training, spoke of her shock at Miss Leighton’s alleged involvement in the case. “Becki always wanted to be a nurse, like her mother. She was very dedicated. I always found her extremely committed and diligent.”

Reading the story of the supposed killing nurse in Stockport, Rebecca Leighton, I just wonder how a nurse whose only job is to dispense medicines handed to her by pharmacy is thought likely to have contaminated them.  It seems most unlikely that she did.  Far more likely is that someone working in the company that supplies the drips to the hospital has made an error, or committed a crime.

Maybe (let's look at all possibilities) there is a small amount of insulin being clandestinely added to saline drips as an experiment  to see how many more people die, and the perpetrator got the doseage wrong, and killed so many the ruse became obvious.

Or less evilly, insulin was added in error to a batch of drips by the manufacturer, and they've gone far and wide across many hospitals, and they need to stop a scare from developing.  The numbers made per batch must be in the thousands.

It would not be in the interests of the company or the health service that buys from that company to identify the corporate guilty party, or admit to taking part in any death-inducing schemes, or that a serious error has been committed, and so a defenceless nurse is picked on, and set up as the scapegoat.


Insulin was found in a batch of 36 saline ampoules in a hospital storeroom after a nurse reported a high number of patients on her ward with unexplained low blood sugar levels. The alarm was raised on Tuesday but multiple sclerosis sufferer Ms Arden, from Stockport, died on 7 July. The two male patients died last week.

That sounds more like a contaminated batch coming in from the suppliers to me.  The question in my mind is whether suppliers are deliberately adding insulin, or it was mixed in, in error.   It wouldn't be easy to manually add insulin in exactly the same concentration to 36 separate saline ampoules in a hospital storeroom, if not impossible.  

Presumably saline ampoules have seals and it can be seen if the seals have been broken prior to use.  If the seals were not broken, why the hell is the nurse being accused, other than to protect the suppliers from the scandal?  


On Thursday the number of victims at Stepping Hill hospital rose to five after police confirmed that the deaths of two more pensioners were being treated as suspicious. Officers said it was “likely” the death toll would grow.
Miss Leighton, 27, was arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of murder after medical supplies at the hospital in Stockport, Cheshire, were tampered with. Sources confirmed that detectives had established that Miss Leighton had recently been rejected for a new job, thought to have been a promotion within the hospital.
A murder inquiry began last week after the deaths of three patients — Tracey Arden, 44, George Keep, 84 and Arnold Lancaster, 71 — were linked to the alleged contamination of saline solution with insulin.
Detectives said yesterday that the cases of Derek Weaver, 83, who died yesterday, and an 84-year-old woman, who died on July 14, had also been referred to Greater Manchester Police. A man in his forties remained in a serious condition.
Asst Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: “We are working closely with the coroner and it is likely we will be asked to investigate further deaths. In the main these are likely to be deaths of people who are elderly and/or ill.”
Miss Leighton remained in custody after police were given more time to question her. She was believed to have protested her innocence to detectives.
Valerie Rowlinson, who was her nursing mentor during her training, spoke of her shock at Miss Leighton’s alleged involvement in the case. “Becki always wanted to be a nurse, like her mother. She was very dedicated. I always found her extremely committed and diligent.”


Spuggy could not hurt a fly say her friends

Party-loving: Rebecca Leighton's social life was catalogued on Facebook
Party-loving: Rebecca Leighton's social life was catalogued on Facebook
Friends and family of Rebecca Leighton turned to the internet to protest her innocence.
After the nurse's party-loving lifestyle came under scrutiny due to her numerous entries on social networking websites, they launched a campaign of support.
Pleading with her to stay strong, they said they did not believe she could have carried out the murders.
And her fiancé, Tim Papworth used his father's Facebook profile to thank everyone for their support.
His mother, Heather Papworth, wrote: 'Innocent, we all believe in you bekki, love you loads. No she hasn't done it and she will be holding her head high, love you bekki xx'.
Friend Leah Hunt wrote: 'The most kind hearted person in the world ur fantastic person great friend n brilliant nurse love u loads becki n don't believe one word of it ur amazin keep ur chin up babe we are all thinking of u honey stay storng ur in my heart and prays. X'
Using her nickname, Spuggy, Sarah Warburton wrote: 'Can't stop thinking about what your going through Spuggy! They couldn't be more wrong'.
And friend Diane Rothwell wrote: 'Becki, the news is totally insane ... You would never hurt a fly and I cannot understand this.'

What Will Happen To The Elites Once Their Rule Is Over?

Well, they're not working for us, are they.....
By some estimates 60,000 people died when the underground cities at Denver and Washington were nuked three weeks ago. As Me says in comments, if that's true, has anyone noticed any of them not return home yet?

In the Fulford interview with David Wilcock, which appeared anonymously in comments today, he is asked what will happen next when the 'White Hats' and the 'White Dragon' moves in on the elites after frustrating all their plans to fry the world's population on the surface while they luxuriate below ground. This was his reply -


The official bankruptcy announcement, and the potential shock of widespread bridge and runway detonations, will be immediately followed by mass arrests.

This will include key staff from all three branches of government: senators, congressmen, judges and executives.

It will also include top military brass, top intelligence personnel, defense contractors, top media moguls, corporate executives, Federal Reserve Board staff, top financiers and “too big to fail” financial entities, et cetera.

Fulford has said that the Pentagon may now house these people, at least temporarily, in the very same “detention camps” they had originally planned on using against American citizens.

Karma’s a bitch.


Everyone on this list is scrambling for a place to hide. The bases near Washington DC and Denver were both quite popular due to their convenient locations.

Most of the top people had comfy, personalized living spaces already set up in these locations – with their own memorabilia, keepsakes and nostalgic items.

Many of these people have also moved their personal belongings to purported safety zones in South America – and only have a minimum number of items left in their own homes in the US.


I am told the cabal members have near-instant escape flights planned. The pilots and aircraft are now on 24-hour notice.

Most of these pilots will probably defect.

I also have very good intel that the personnel staffing these safety zones have already agreed to turn on them as soon as they arrive.

Pilots who do not defect are undoubtedly in mortal peril if they attempt to complete these flights.

Fulford also said the South American countries themselves have now agreed to infiltrate and disrupt these zones – and their incoming flights.


Fulford has talked at length about how the number of insiders who are fearing for their lives is about a million people.

They have been scrambling around the world trying to beg, borrow or steal any land where they could have sanctuary.

They have used earthquake and weather weapons to punish countries who denied them access. This includes the Christchurch quake in New Zealand after the cabal was denied use of their lush, southernmost mega-island.

North Korea is the first country that is even considering helping them, and this development has only occurred very recently.

Kim Jong-Il will only help them if they promise to help him regain control of South Korea. This entire plan is very unlikely to succeed.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Jesse James: 'I should have left her'

Watch the full interview with Jesse James Friday.airs weeknights on CNN/US at 9 p.m. ET and on CNN
International at 0200 GMT (live simulcast), 1200 GMT, and 2000 GMT and HKT.

CNN -- "I should have did the honorable thing," Jesse James tells CNN's Piers Morgan. "I should have left her, you know? If I wanted to screw around, I should have, you know, ended it."

The TV personality and West Coast Choppers CEO discusses the breakup of his marriage to Sandra Bullock, his new fiancée Kat Von D, his new book, "American Outlaw," and more on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight."

"I'm 100% to blame," continues James. "I take full accountability for my actions, you know? No one was holding a gun to my head to do what I did."

Morgan tells James that the only time he ever met Bullock was at the Oscars last year, and she said, referring to James, "I wake up every day, and I remind myself how lucky I am to have him."

Then, Morgan says, "within four days it was all over." James says that while he wouldn't go back and change things, he is partially glad that it happened because he is "a firm believer that things happen in life to teach us a lesson."

"I'm not happy that I hurt her, and hurt so many people around her," James adds. "I would never want to put anybody through that again."

Morgan asks James to recall the moment he confessed to Bullock that he had been unfaithful. The conversation is revealed in the book, in which James says he admitted the affair, but told Bullock that he never cared for the woman he had the affair with. However, when Bullock asked why he'd done it, James had no answer.

"It's tough to tell them something when you know when you tell them you're never going to see them again," James tells Morgan.

James admits that he and Bullock no longer speak.

James opens up to Morgan about growing up in Riverside and Long Beach, California, with a father who beat him. When Morgan asks James if he thinks his father should have apologized, James says, "I don't think so. I think I'm cool with it. You know, it's kind of the dichotomy of me. It's made me who I am, you know? Made me strong; made me never do that to my kids."

James also describes how he came very close to being recruited to a top college on a football scholarship, but an armed robbery sent him to jail for 90 days during his senior year of high school, dashing any hopes of an NFL career.

"I clinged to the wrong friends, and the wrong crowd," says James. "On the football field I was like the disciplined soldier. I would kill for my coaches and do everything perfect -- every drill, every practice, everything. I'd be the first one there, and the last one to leave. But as soon as football season ended, I didn't have any structure. So I would just get in trouble."

Soon after, James began working security at concerts. He tells an anecdote about doing security for the rap group Public Enemy. His job was to make sure Flava Flav did not buy crack cocaine.

"They had me like drive around and follow him," recalls James, "and make sure he didn't buy crack from anyone in L.A. For a week."

Spending time on the road with bands in the late 1980s and early 1990s in Europe sparked James' lifelong passion for motorcycles. He began building bikes whenever he wasn't with a concert tour and was eventually able to earn a living building high-end custom bikes at his shop, West Coast Choppers. The shop led to his becoming a TV host, which is how he met Bullock. The actress had arranged for her godson to meet James because the boy was a West Coast Choppers fan.

James tells Morgan that he wrote "American Outlaw" because he wants to tell his story, despite the fact that a lot of people "think I should just hide forever." He says that while he understands why so many people despise him for what he did to Bullock, he no longer cares. "I can be the villain," says James. "And she'll always be America's sweetheart."

"I don't think Sandy and I were ever really friends," says James, who is now engaged to tattoo artist
He says that he and Von D have "a deeper understanding" of each other.

"Kat and I seem to be connected on, like, such a higher level," says James. "I've never had someone like have my back 100%, you know?"

At that point, Morgan brings up Bullock's Golden Globes acceptance speech, in which the actress said to her then-husband, James: "There's no surprise that my work got better when I met you, because I never knew what it felt like for someone to have my back."

James quickly counters, claiming Bullock "said that same speech at four different award shows."

When Morgan asks if James is accusing Bullock of being insincere, James asks Morgan what Bullock does for a living.

"Movie stuff," answers Morgan.

"Yes, what?" asks James.

"An actor," replies Morgan.

"Oh, OK, cool," James retorts.

When Morgan asks James if he thinks it was an act, James says, in reference to Hollywood, "I think you know, that whole -- that, you know, people that have to live in that world."

Morgan asks James if he's glad to be out of "that world," to which James replies, "100%."

"It's just pretend," continues James. "It's not real. I'm, like, the guy that goes to a shop. And I don't hang out in the office. I go to the back of the shop, and hang out with the guys that are all greasy, dirty. And that's -- that's where I belong."

Age, not a knife, changed Ali Lohan's face, her publicist says

  Ali Lohan was photographed at a probation revocation hearing hearing for her sister in July 2010.
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Recent photos of Lindsay Lohan's teenage sister sparked online speculation over the past week that the 17-year-old Ali Lohan changed her face, which her publicist denied Monday.

"Aliana has never had any type of plastic surgery in her life, nor has she ever considered it," said her publicist, Steve Honig.

Buzz about apparent changes in Lohan's face started on websites including Hollywoodlife.com, which said, "We love Lindsay's little sister, but these shocking photos make it look like her beauty is not all-natural!"

Honig, in a written statement to CNN, said Lohan, who recently signed a modeling contract, has no reason to have plastic surgery.

"Her success as a model lies with her natural looks and she has no interest in changing that," he said.

Did Lohan's teen sister get a nose job?

Honig, however, did not dispute that Ali Lohan's face today is different from when she was younger.

"During the past two years, she has gone through a normal teenage growth spurt that has made her taller and slimmer," he said. "It has also slightly changed the composure of her face, all of which is typical of what happens to kids in their mid to late teens. It's what most people refer to as the awkward stage. Ali is growing up; that's all."

The director Next Model Management, the agency who signed Lohan, told CNN Monday she could "confirm that Aliana Lohan has not had any surgery."

"As a young girl who is growing up, it's natural for her facial features to change slightly, and we see this with many of the younger models we represent," Alexis Borges said. Aliana is a beautiful 17-year-old girl who is growing into her face and body, as is the norm for someone of her age."

Lindsay Lohan, who knows what it's like to be a young target of the tabloids, took to her Twitter account Friday to defend her sister:

"I love how haters pick on my sister yet every runway model is just as thin! My sister is gorgeous and I'm so proud of her and her career!!!!"

'Sopranos' actress dies at 46

  Denise Borino-Quinn played Ginny Sacramoni on "The Sopranos." She said she got the part in an open casting call.
(CNN) -- Denise Borino-Quinn, who played the wife of a mob boss in the award-winning HBO series "The Sopranos," has died of cancer at 46.

Borino-Quinn died Wednesday at Morristown (New Jersey) Memorial Hospital, according to Farmer Funeral Home. A funeral Mass was held Saturday.

"The Sopranos," which ran from 1999 to 2007, told the story of mobster Tony Soprano and a colorful cast of bumbling criminals.

Borino-Quinn, who said in an interview that she got the part in a 2000 open casting call, played Ginny Sacramoni, married to Johnny Sacramoni. An HBO character bio described Ginny as "Rubenesque."

According to IMDB.com, the internet movie database, Borino-Quinn was a legal secretary and part-time manicurist in Roseland, New Jersey, when she got "The Sopranos" role. She was selected from 14,000 actresses.

The actress married her late husband, Luke Quinn, in 2005. She has two younger brothers, Vincent Borino and Chris Borino.

Share this on: Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn Viadeo 'Housewives' star Michaele Salahi assures deputy she's not kidnapped

(CNN) -- "Real Housewives of D.C." star Michaele Salahi hit the road with Journey guitarist Neal Schon and was not kidnapped as her husband suspected, according to a representative with Schon's management company.

She told a sheriff's deputy late Tuesday that she was "with a good friend and was where she wanted to be," Warren County, Virginia, Sheriff Danny McEathron said in a statement to CNN Wednesday afternoon.

The reality show personality traveled to Memphis on Tuesday, where Journey was performing, to be with Schon, the representative with Scoop Marketing confirmed to CNN Wednesday afternoon.

Tareq Salahi, speaking through his manager on Wednesday morning, told CNN his wife had been missing since Tuesday morning and may have been kidnapped.

 End of marriage road for Salahis?

"It is our belief as of last night Michaele Salahi may have been kidnapped or abducted and is being held under duress and forced to tell persons, including authorities, she is OK," manager Gina Rodriguez said.

Marc Anthony: Why my marriage to J.Lo ended

  Marc Anthony says that he and Jennifer Lopez split because their marriage didn't work anymore.

Dirt diggers are advised to look elsewhere. Marc Anthony says that he and Jennifer Lopez split for the simple reason their marriage didn't work anymore.

"I'll tell you that it wasn't something sensationalistic happening," Anthony, 42, tells
Asked about reports their seven-year marriage ended because of infidelity, Anthony says "absolutely not."

"It was a realization on both our parts. So you know it wasn't shocking. These things happen," he says. "It was a decision that we made jointly."

Anthony says that he'll continue to work on his reality show "Q'Viva! The Chosen" co-starring his now estranged wife.

"This is not a funeral. This is not a burial," Anthony says. "This is just two people who came together and just realized -- and so I'm saying that it wasn't sustainable the way it was, and that's that."

The Unthinkable Is Poised to Happen, Economist Warns Read more: Aftershock Survival Summit Predicts the Unthinkable Important: Can you afford to Retire? Shocking Poll Results

The is a gripping, no-nonsense presentation that’s quickly becoming a financial beacon in an economic tsunami.

Featuring an exclusive interview with famed economist and best-selling author Robert Wiedemer, this disturbing presentation exposes harsh economic truths along with a dire financial warning — a prophetic message that’s spreading across America like wildfire.

But it’s not just the grim predictions that are causing the sensation; rather, it’s the comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.

Read more: Aftershock Survival Summit Predicts the Unthinkable
Important: Can you afford to Retire? Shocking Poll Results

Aftershock Survival Summit Video, Watch Now
It offers realistic, step-by-step solutions that the average hard-working American can easily follow; millions have already heeded its warnings and are rapidly sharing the

Read more: Aftershock Survival Summit Predicts the Unthinkable
Important: Can you afford to Retire? Shocking Poll Results
throughout the Internet
The overwhelming amount of feedback to publicize the presentation, initially screened for a private audience, came with consequences as various online networks repeatedly shut it down and affiliates refused to house the content.

Summit to address tech solutions to fight trafficking

How can technology be used to fight human trafficking? It's the question technology leaders, including Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, will try to answer in an anti-slavery forum in the Silicon Valley next month.

Steven Rice fromthe summit host, talked to CNN's Richard
Quest about the summit and the role of technology in the anti-slavery fight.

QUEST: What will your fundamental message be for how the summit, how technology, how it can all be made to work to the benefit [to end slavery]?

RICE: We believe that technology, the technology that Juniper Networks builds around bridging and connecting devices, information and content, and linking that to the work that Not For Sale is doing is absolutely at the heart of how do we start to lead and drive innovation around ending world slavery.

QUEST: All right, Steven, I understand the principle. And I understand what you're saying. And it sounds very good. But how are you going to do it? What does it involve?

UK police raid suspected slave camp

British investigators were questioning suspects Monday after police rescued 24 men that they said were kept as slaves - some for as long as 15 years.

Police in Bedfordshire, northwest of London, arrested five suspects under a new anti-slavery law passed last year, alleging that they lured the men to a trailer park with promises of food and shelter, then threatened them with violence and forced them into hard labor.

The men, from England and parts of Eastern Europe, are "all believed to be victims of slavery," police said. Living in squalid conditions in the town of Leighton Buzzard, many of the men were on the verge of starvation, police said.

"There's no electricity. There's no running water. People haven't had their hair cut. (They're) wearing dirty clothing. And made to perform labor, rather than being given proper food and proper wages for their labors," said Detective Chief Inspector Sean O'Neil of Bedfordshire Police.

Tips from other alleged victims who had managed to escape the site led to a lengthy investigation that culminated in Sunday's raid, police said.

Bedfordshire Police issued a statement Monday saying that four of the five people in custody were being questioned. The fifth is a woman who "is pregnant and has been released on police bail and will be questioned further following the birth of her child which is imminent," the statement said.

Police identified the four men arrested as three brothers - James Connors, 23, Tommy Connors, 26, and Patrick Connors, 19 - and their brother-in-law, James Conner, 33. The four are scheduled for a court hearing Tuesday morning and will be held in custody until that hearing, police said.

Opinion: Urge U.S. Congress to re-authorize Trafficking Victims Protection Act

By Jesse Eaves, Special to CNN

Editor’s Note: Jesse Eaves is non-profit World Vision’s policy adviser for children in crisis. He is based in Washington, D.C.

When 16-year-old Kyaw left his home and a life of poverty in Myanmar five years ago, he vowed he would never return. He was on a quest to find a steady job, and he’d heard that he could earn up to $150 a month if he traveled across the border to a fishing port in Thailand.

However, what he discovered would soon make him wish he had never left. Kyaw had been trafficked onto a Thai fishing boat operating illegally in Indonesian waters, and, according to him, the conditions were worse than those on an 18th century slave ship.

“They allowed us to sleep only about one hour per day,” said Kyaw.

Surrounded by a crew with guns, he and his fellow workers were treated as animals.

When we think of trafficking today, images of young girls forced to work in dark, back-alley brothels in Bangkok or Phnom Penh often come to mind.

Slavery in Europe: How big a problem is it?

British authorities recently rescued 24 men that they said were kept as slaves – some for as long as 15 years. The men, from England and parts of Eastern Europe, are "all believed to be victims of slavery," police said.

So, how big a problem is slavery in Europe? CNN's Max Foster talks to Anti-Slavery International's Aidan McQuade about the fight against modern-day slavery there and around the world.

FOSTER: We keep hearing how shocked people are that it's happening in their country, and it's often in the Western hemisphere that we hear that shock. But should we be shocked that it's going on?

MCQUADE: Yes. It is human beings doing this to other human beings and ... there's something like at least 12 million people enslaved in the world today. It's just an appalling, appalling carnage upon people's lives and hopes.

FOSTER: And in terms of the prevalence, are we right to say it's more or less prevalent in Western Europe, for example, than parts of Asia, where we've had lots of really horrific reporting?

MCQUADE: I think unquestionably in terms of absolute numbers, we're talking about South Asia being the largest numbers of people in the world.

But if you look at the International Labor Organization analysis of the problem, slavery in Europe and in North America - while it's smaller numbers, it's the high-value slavery. It's the thing that was making millions of dollars for people who are trafficking other human beings.

FOSTER: Because it's all about money, at the end of the day, isn't it? And all of the money's in Western Europe and the U.S., for example? The rich economies.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

11 killed, 228 hurt in Argentina bus-train wreck

Buenos Aires (CNN) -- At least 11 people died when two trains and a bus collided in Buenos Aires on Tuesday, state media reported.

At least 228 people were injured in the accident, the state-run Telam news agency reported.

It took hours to free the remaining victims from the wreck, authorities said.The first train rammed into a bus at a street-level train crossing, causing the train to derail. It was struck by a second train on the opposite track, police said."There are people in the hospital now in a very grave state, including children. They have severe injuries," said Fernando Sostre, spokesman for the Argentine Federal Police.The crash happened at 6:15 a.m. in the Flores district of Buenos Aires.

Images broadcast on Argentine television showed dozens of police, fire and rescue workers combing through twisted metal and wreckage. Ambulances were seen transporting the injured to local hospitals.

Outside hospitals, family members of injured survivors mingled with those searching for signs that their loved ones had survived.

"I do not know where my daughter is. I can't find her," said Dario Arias. "I go to the hospitals and they don't even let me enter the door ... I went to the morgue and she's not there."

The cause of the collision was being investigated.

"The railroad crossing bar was working fine," said Juan Pablo Schiavi, Argentina's transportation secretary. Officials will review video from the trains in their investigation, he said.

But nearby surveillance footage, broadcast by several local media outlets, shows the crossing bar up at a 45-degree angle as the train strikes the bus, forcing a sharp turn as it yanked it along for several feet.

High Beams Law

High Beams Lawthumbnail   
When traveling late at night down dark roads without sufficient illumination, we all click on our high-beam headlights, also called brights. They allow us to see potential obstacles that might otherwise not be illuminated. They help us feel more secure in our surroundings while we navigate the road, and they are a safety feature designed to help us drive more responsibly. In general, this is the case for most of us as we drive; however, there are rules that dictate when we should and when we should not use high beams.1.High Beams in the Dark

In dark areas, you can see three times as far when you turn on high beams. Most states require that you used high beams in remote or excessively dark areas where it is impossible to see the road otherwise. By contrast, low beams should be used in the fog because high beams will be reflected back at you, essentially obscuring your ability to see.Effects on Other Drivers
The exact distance varies from state to state, but generally you are required to lower your high beams when you come within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle. When you approach a car moving in the same direction, lights need to be dimmed within approximately 350 feet. Generally this is also true when approaching people or other significant objects. You are allowed, however, to remind other drivers to dim their high beams by quickly flicking your brights on and off.Dangerous Lighting and Headlamps

In most states it is a violation when a driver fails to dim headlamps, which can cause "dangerous or dazzling" light visible 75 feet or more ahead of such lamps. This applies to aftermarket halogen lights that are super-bright and often used as high beams. Additional lights that can be illegal are flashing lights designed to make others believe your car is a police vehicle.Penalties for High Beams
The penalties for improper high-beam usage will vary from state to state, but is usually a fine that can range between $35 to $75 and increase with each subsequent offense.Burned-Out Headlight

In most states, if you drive with high beams on because one of your headlights has burned out, you are actually breaking two laws. It is illegal to drive with a burned-out headlight, and it is not a legal alternative to assume that it is safer to be able to see the road using your brights because you can't see as well with only one functioning headlight.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[Feedback] Feedback Share this on: Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg delicious reddit MySpace StumbleUpon LinkedIn Viadeo How to unlock a car with a text message

Security expert Don Bailey says the same hack he uses to unlock cars could hit power and water systems.

Security expert Don Bailey says the same hack he uses to unlock cars could hit power and water systems.

Las Vegas (CNN) -- Don Bailey says he can unlock thousands of cars across the United States simply by sending a few texts from his Android phone.

7 apps to make you feel like a better person

 These apps and services that will ease your conscience -- even if you're working through the seven deadly sins.
 These apps and services that will ease your conscience -- even if you're working through the seven deadly sins

Editor's note: Brenna Ehrlich and Andrea Bartz are the sarcastic brains behind humor blog and book Stuff Hipsters Hate.

'Dead' HP tablet comes back to life with help of hackers, deal-seekers

 After struggling, a huge price slash made the HP TouchPad one of the most sought-after tablets.
 After struggling, a huge price slash made the HP TouchPad one of the most sought-after tablets.

(CNN) -- For a "dead" gadget, the HP TouchPad keeps showing remarkable signs of life.

Wi-Fi-hacking neighbor sentenced to 18 years

 A Minnesota hacker was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror against his neighbors.
 A Minnesota hacker was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror against his neighbors.

(Wired) -- A Minnesota hacker that prosecutors described as a "depraved criminal" was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror that turned his neighbors' lives into a living nightmare.

Barry Ardolf, 46, repeatedly hacked into his next-door neighbors' Wi-Fi network in 2009, and used it to try and frame them for child pornography, sexual harassment, various kinds of professional misconduct and to send threatening e-mail to politicians, including Vice President Joe Biden.

His motive was to get back at his new neighbors after they told the police he'd kissed their 4-year-old son on the lips.

"Barry Ardolf has demonstrated by his conduct that he is a dangerous man. When he became angry at his neighbors, he vented his anger in a bizarre and calculated campaign of terror against them," prosecutor Timothy Rank said in a court filing. "And he did not wage this campaign in the light of day, but rather used his computer hacking skills to strike at his victims while hiding in the shadows.

"Over months and months, he inflicted unfathomable psychic damage, making the victims feel vulnerable in their own home, while avoiding detection."

Ardolf's attorney, Kevin O'Brien, said in a telephone interview that "it was a lengthy sentence for a first-time offender." The defendant also forfeited his house and computer gear.

Ardolf had no criminal record, but an investigation revealed that he'd also hijacked the Wi-Fi of other neighbors, and terrorized them as well.

A father of two, Ardolf had turned down a 2-year plea agreement last year to charges related to the Biden e-mail. After that, the authorities piled on more charges, including identity theft and two kiddie-porn accusations carrying lifetime sex-offender registration requirements. He pleaded guilty to them all last year.

The bizarre tale began in 2009 when Matt and Bethany Kostolnik moved in the house next door to Ardolf, who at the time was a Medronic computer technician living in the Minneapolis suburb of Blaine. On their first day at their new home, the Kostolnik's then-4-year-old son wandered near Ardolf's house. While carrying him back next door, Ardolf allegedly kissed the boy on the lips.

"We've just moved next door to a pedophile," Mrs. Kostolnik told her husband.

The couple reported Ardolf to the police, angering their creepy new neighbor. "I decided to 'get even' by launching computer attacks against him," Ardolf later wrote in a letter to the judge.

Rank, the prosecutor, put it not so mildly:

"It was apparently this incident which caused the defendant to begin a calculated campaign to terrorize his neighbors, doing whatever he could to destroy the careers and professional reputations of Matt and Bethany Kostolnik, to damage the Kostolniks' marriage, and to generally wreak havoc on their lives," he said.

Ardolf downloaded Wi-Fi hacking software and spent two weeks cracking the Kostolnik's WEP encryption. Then he used their own Wi-Fi network to create a fake MySpace page for the husband, where he posted a picture of a pubescent girl having sex with two young boys. Under the "about me" section, he wrote:

"I bet my coworker that since I'm a lawyer and a darn great one that I could get away with putting up porn on my site here. I bet that all I have to do is say that there is plausible deniability since anybody could have put this on my site. Like someone hacked my page and added porn without my knowledge. This is reasonable doubt. I'm a darn good lawyer and I can get away with doing anything!"

He then e-mailed the same child porn to one of the husband's co-workers, and sent flirtatious e-mail to women in Mr. Kostolnik's office. "You are such a fox," read one of the e-mails. He sent the message's through the husband's genuine e-mail account.

After the husband explained to his law office superiors that he had no idea what was happening, his bosses hired a law firm that examined his network and discovered that an "unknown" device had access to it. With Kostolnik's permission, they installed a packet sniffer on his network to try and get to the bottom of the incidents.

Then, in May 2009, the Secret Service showed up at Kostolnik's office to ask about several threatening e-mails sent from his Yahoo account, and traced to his IP address, that were addressed to Biden and other politicians. The subject line of one e-mail read: "This is a terrorist threat! Take this seriously."

"I swear to God I'm going to kill you!," part of the message to Biden said.

A forensics computer investigator working for Kostolnik's law firm examined the packet logs, and found the e-mail sessions sending the threats. In the data surrounding the threatening traffic, they found traffic containing Ardolf's name and Comcast account .

The FBI got a search warrant for Ardolf's house and computer, and found reams of evidence, including copies of data swiped from the Kostolniks' computer, and hacking manuals with titles such as Cracking WEP Using Backtrack: A Beginner's Guide; Tutorial: Simple WEP Crack Aircracking and Cracking WEP with BackTrack 3 -- Step-by-Step instructions. They also found handwritten notes laying out Ardolf's revenge plans, and a cache of postal mail that Ardolf had apparently stolen from the Kostolniks' mailbox and stashed under his bed.

"One of the manuals had Ardolf's handwriting on it and another had the unique identifying ID for the Kostolniks' router typed into it," Rank, the prosector, wrote.

A Minnesota hacker was handed an 18-year prison term Tuesday for unleashing a vendetta of cyberterror against his neighbors.

Also discovered in Ardolf's possession was the pornographic image posted on MySpace and sent to the husband's co-worker, and evidence that he'd secretly staged a similar harassment campaign against a neighbor at Ardolf's previous home in Brooklyn Park, another Minneapolis suburb. Among other things, he sent that family a postal-mail message consisting of a one-page, color print-out of the family's "TurboTax" return with personally identifying information, in addition to several skull images.

"I told you about a year ago that you should be very afraid. I can destroy you at will, you sorry-ass excuse for a human," the letter said.

The Brooklyn Park family told the FBI they believed Ardolf was upset that their personal care attendants, who looked after their two disabled twin daughters, parked their car in front of his house.

From pit-stop to take-off: How F1 is changing the future of air trave

(CNN) -- The world of Formula One may seem an unlikely source of inspiration for a major carbon-cutting initiative, but technology used for coordinating pit-stops is primed to slash emissions from airports across the globe.

According to Britain's National Air Traffic Services (NATS), more than half the planes landing at London's Heathrow airport are stuck in circles overhead -- often for 20 minutes at a time -- as they wait for its congested runways to clear.

NATS says the carbon cost of this pile-up in the sky is an estimated 600 tons a day.

And this is where McLaren, the hugely successful Formula One team behind former world champions Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, have come in with an unexpected solution.

Over the years the company has developed modeling software to analyze live racing data and visualize a range of potential scenarios -- allowing pit crews to make strategic decisions in the blink of an eye -- all in an effort to get their cars back out onto the racetrack milliseconds ahead of their competitors.

It's this ground-level tracking technology that could hold the key to unlocking congestion, reducing CO2 emissions by streamlining the way aircraft make their own pit-stops once they've landed -- dropping off passengers, refueling and departing again with F1 efficiency.

This similarity between a motor race and an airport runway was first observed by Peter Tomlinson, head of aviation data solutions at NATS, while attending a workshop on cross-industry collaboration at McLaren's UK technology center three years ago.

"It became clear that the pit-stop in a race track, with cars coming in, changing tyres and refueling and going out again actually is pretty similar to an aircraft arriving at the airport, parking at the gate, passengers getting off, refueling and going out," said the air traffic veteran, who has over 30 years experience in the industry.
The beauty of McLaren's system is that it reduces the complexity of a racetrack into a circle "so at the point of decision, presentation of the data is very simple, which allows the engineer in a very stressful environment to make the right strategic decision and also see the data in a very clear, crisp format," said Tomlinson.

For the last three years NATS has been working with McLaren's engineers to map Heathrow's taxiways and runways -- much as they do a Formula One track.

But now, says Tomlinson, in place of a race strategist the system is operated by Heathrow's air traffic control, and instead of a circle the airport's network of runways and taxi lanes are represented by a simple rectangle -- enabling planes to be guided around the airport with greater ease and accuracy once they've landed.

The collaboration has been "groundbreaking" according to Geoff McGrath, managing director of McLaren Applied Technologies -- the F1 team's tech division.

"To my knowledge this is a first -- NATS has invested in this because there is nothing like it available," he added.

The system is now in its "proof of concept" stage and hopes are high that it will be used by airports around the world within a year.

"Think in terms of the environmental benefits of that," enthused Tomlinson. "Large airports with about 1300 to 1400 flights a day - if you save just one minute of taxi time per flight on average, that equates to one day's worth of taxi time - and that's how much we could save using McLaren's technology."

10 fascinating Facebook facts -- and what they say about us

Mashable's Pete Cashmore says Facebook surveys provide intriguing insights into our online behaviors.

Editor's note: Pete Cashmore is founder and CEO of Mashable, a popular tech-news blog. He writes occasional columns about social networking and tech for CNN.com.

(CNN) -- A study released this week revealed that 47% of Facebook users have swear words on their pages. A survey last week, meanwhile, showed that undergraduate men who talk about alcohol on Facebook tend to have more friends.

Whether it's our level of tolerance for swearing or the link between alcohol and bonding with friends, these Facebook studies provide intriguing insights into our online behaviors.

And yet I'd argue that Facebook surveys have a more fundamental role. With more than 600 million people actively using Facebook, these studies in fact provide a deeper understanding of our evolving cultural norms: our values, our morals and our changing relationships between one another.

Don't believe me? Here are some fascinating Facebook facts that just might serve as a peek into our 21st-century values.

1. 56% of Americans think it's irresponsible to friend your boss on Facebook

A survey released in February 2010 showed the majority of Americans don't find it socially acceptable to be Facebook friends with their boss. The study of 1,000 people by Liberty Mutual's Responsibility Project suggests that despite an increasing overlap between our work and home lives, we continue to value a separation between the two.
Meanwhile, 62% of those surveyed said it's wrong for a manager to befriend an employee on Facebook. And yet 76% of respondents said it was acceptable to befriend a peer on Facebook, suggesting what we truly value is that our work be judged on its merits rather than getting ahead based on personal relationships.
2. Facebook links about sex are shared 90% more than averageFacebook confirms the adage: Sex sells. From February until May 2010, social media scientist Dan Zarrella processed 12,000 links to news sites and blogs. He discovered that links about sex were 90% more likely to be shared on Facebook than any other subject matter.

He also discovered that links with positive sentiment were more likely to be shared on Facebook than those with negative viewpoints.

3. People in Facebook relationships are happier than single people

In February 2010, Facebook marked Valentine's Day by comparing the relationship status of its users to their happiness -- this was surmised based on the level of positive or negative sentiment in the user's Facebook updates.

The result: Those in relationships were found to be slightly happier than single people. Those who were married or engaged were also happier than single people on average.

However, Facebook users in an "open relationship" -- where the partners are not exclusive to one another -- were significantly less happy than single people. Monogamy, it seems, makes us happy.

4. 21% of people would break up via Facebook

A June 2010 survey of 1,000 Facebook users -- 70% of whom were male -- found that 25% had been "dumped" via Facebook (via their significant other updating his or her relationship status).

Twenty-one percent of those surveyed said they would end a relationship by changing their Facebook relationship statuses to "single." While worrisome, the survey does show the majority of people do not split up via Facebook.

For this uncomfortable task, it seems, we still turn to more personal forms of communication. This particular study also appears to suffer from a little male bias -- a July 2010 survey found that 9% of women have initiated a breakup via Facebook, versus 24% of men.

5. 85% of women are annoyed by their Facebook friends

For women on Facebook, friends can sometimes be irritating. In a March study conducted by Eversave, 85% admitted to having been annoyed by their Facebook friends. Of these annoyances, the most cited was "complaining all the time" (63%).

Other pet peeves included "sharing unsolicited political views" (42%) and "bragging about seemingly perfect lives" (32%).

While I've yet to see a similar survey focused on men, it's probably safe to assume these feelings are universal: Our friends are a source of joy and occasional irritation.

6. 25% of households with a Facebook account don't use privacy controls

A June 2010 survey from Consumer Reports stated that "in one of four households with a Facebook account, users weren't aware of or didn't choose to use the service's privacy controls."

While Consumer Reports chose to interpret this finding in a negative light, I'd propose a contrary view: Seventy-five percent of households did take the time to understand Facebook's privacy controls, suggesting that privacy remains important to our society.

The same study stated that "Twenty-six percent of Facebook users with children had potentially exposed them to predators by posting the children's photos and names."

Again, the positive view would be that 74% of Facebook users with children did not post their photos and names -- suggesting that we value privacy.

7. 48% of parents friend their kids on Facebook

On the question of whether it's OK to friend your kids on Facebook, parents are roughly split down the middle -- 48% have chosen to do so. Respondents in a May 2010 survey by Retrevo admitted that this could be "awkward at times."

Parents were also asked about the minimum age at which their children should be allowed to sign up for Facebook or MySpace. Twenty-six percent of parents replied "over 18," 36% said "16 to 18," 30% said "13 to 15" and 8% said "under 13."

Opinions may be changing rapidly, however. A Consumer Reports survey released this month says the majority of parents of kids 10 and under "seemed largely unconcerned by their children's use" of Facebook.

8. 47% of Facebook users have profanity on their walls

As previously mentioned, a new study by the reputation management service Reppler has found that 47% of Facebook users have swear words on their walls, with these profanities being posted by a friend 56% of the time.

In other words: Nearly half of Facebook users are comfortable with swearing. The most common profanity on Facebook? No prizes for guessing: It's the "F-word."

9. 48% of people say they look at their ex's Facebook profile too often

In a January study by YouTango, 48% of respondents said they look at their ex's Facebook or other social-networking profile too often. The statistic illustrates one danger of social-networking profiles -- ex-partners are more accessible than ever.

But the survey also points to a degree of self-awareness among the respondents. While new technologies provide new temptations, it seems that many of us are able to control these behaviors.

10. 36% of under-35s check Facebook, Twitter or texts after sex

An October 2009 study by Retrevo suggested that social networks are becoming an increasingly important part of young people's lives. Among under-35s, 36% admitted to "tweeting, texting and checking Facebook after sex." Forty percent of respondents admitted to doing so while driving, 64% said they do so at work, and 65% use these communication channels while on vacation.

Here, we might conclude that the next generation is driving society into a less desirable direction: a world in which digital devices are never put down, even in the most inappropriate of situations.

And yet if Facebook is our guide, I'd say our cultural norms have remained intact. We continue to value professionalism. We find great rewards in human relationships -- and most of us try to exit them honorably.

On the whole, we continue to value privacy. We try to look out for our kids. And as we have been since time immemorial, we continue to be fascinated by sex -- after which we go straight to Facebook to find out what our exes are up to.

1.78 million Facebook users may die in 2011

Facebook has defined an "active" user as one who has logged in within the last 30 days.
Facebook has defined an "active" user as one who has logged in within the last 30 days

(Fast Company) -- Does Facebook really have more than 500 million "active" users?

According to data from digital-legacy planning firm Entrustet, a big portion of these users will soon no longer be considered "active," by any reasonable measure.

The company compared Facebook usership data with average death rates from the Center for Disease Control, and discovered that this year, around 480,000 Facebook users may pass away in the U.S., and 1.78 million worldwide.

These figures are only likely to grow year to year, especially as Facebook expands pass the 600 million user mark.

So many profiles now fall out of the range of an "active" user. Beyond the deceased, there are endless duplicate accounts -- Entrustet found that 150% of 20- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. are on Facebook -- not exactly a plausible tally.

Fast Company: The Facebooks of China

What's more, a recent Gartner report estimated that in the coming years, roughly one in every ten of your friends on Facebook and other social networks will be nonhuman, meaning they'll be "social bots," automated profiles created by brands and organizations to engage consumers.

With profiles of the departed presumably being left untouched, with social bots soon to be plaguing the network, and with duplicate accounts running amok, how can Facebook ever provide an accurate "active" usership count?

For the deceased, Facebook has created a system of "memorializing" accounts, which adjusts a profile's privacy settings to be seen only by confirmed family and friends. Immediate family members may also request the removal of a loved one's account.

But the onus is on the deceased's relatives -- if the "memorializing" feature is not activated, Facebook will continue to assume the profile still represents an active user. The same assumption goes for duplicate accounts as well -- Facebook relies on users to merge accounts and report fake profiles.

To address this issue, Facebook has defined an "active" user as one who has logged in within the last 30 days. Thus, a month after a user passes away, that user is no longer considered "active," appropriately.

For organizations and businesses registered for the social network, Facebook distinguishes their accounts as "profiles" rather than "user pages," and does not count them as active users.

Fast Company: A graphic guide to Facebook portraits

But for duplicate and fake accounts, keeping them accountable is more difficult, as users might be willing to log in to multiple accounts.

So while the company's latest partner Goldman Sachs has been boasting of Facebook's 600 million-plus userbase, it's unclear just how accurate those figures will be if investors -- and advertisers, for that matter -- ever choose to parse the details.