Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fluoridation To Be Ordained By Andrew Lansley Secretary Of State For Poison

The Secretary of State soon to be responsible for the mass poisoning of millions Of Britons, Purveyor Of Death - The Wrong and Dishonourable Andrew Lansley

From Janta

The Latest Disturbing Developments on Fluoride...
Dear Reader,

Our regular readers will know that the issue of water fluoridation is a contentious and on-going issue.

With the expected passing of the Health and Social Care Bill 2011, this thorny subject has raised its ugly head once again in the UK. If this Bill sees the light of day and becomes an Act of Parliament, it will give sweeping powers to the UK Secretary of State – currently Health Minister Andrew Lansley – while cutting out local opinion and ignoring current fluoride science... or at least, that's what the current wording of the Bill implies.

In the past, it was the Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) that decided whether fluoride should be added to the drinking water of different counties or districts in the UK. As soon as this new Bill comes into effect, it will pass the decision of 'water fluoridation' to local authorities, such as county or district councils, since they have to answer directly to the people who voted for them. On paper this all looks good... because in effect this should allow residents to play a part in the decision-making process of whether water supplies should be fluoridated or not.

Unfortunately, in reality, this won't be the case. Under the Health and Social Care Bill, the final say will lie with the Secretary of State, which means he/she will have the power to:

* Decide how any consultation over proposed fluoridation will take place, without consulting the public.
* Choose the members of the committees and Boards involved in making the decisions about fluoridation.
* Decide what procedures the decision-making bodies must follow.

Talk about a skewed democracy! In fact, this is more a case of one step forward and two steps back!

Ignoring the evidence...

Worse still, the new legislation does not include an amendment to change the concentration of fluoride that will be added to water supplies... despite the fact that thousands of people have been campaigning against the proposed high concentration (1mg per litre) of fluoride in the UK's public drinking water.

In fact, earlier this year the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed lowering the level of fluoride per litre of water from the current recommended range of 0.7– 1.2 mg/L to 0.7 mg/L. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also announced a review of the maximum concentration of fluoride allowed in drinking water. Along with the US, the Irish government also reduced fluoride levels, in 2007, because of the high incidence of dental fluorosis among children who drank fluoridated water.

Countless studies have shown that adding fluoride to drinking water has absolutely no health benefits at all and the research has shown that this archaic practice does far more harm than good! For example, the results of the largest study ever conducted on fluoridation and oral health involving 39,000 school children in 84 areas around the US, showed no statistical difference in tooth decay rates between fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

The irony is that when you consume too much fluoride, your teeth can become discoloured and start crumbling. But that's nothing compared to the other ways that fluoride can attack your mind and body.

In tests on laboratory animals, fluoride has been shown to enhance the brain's absorption of aluminium - the substance that's found in the brains of most Alzheimer's patients.

Three different osteoporosis studies have associated hip fractures with fluoridation. And excessive fluoride has been shown to damage the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, leading to limited joint mobility, ligament calcification, muscular degeneration and neurological deficits.

And finally, a number of different studies have linked fluoride to as many as 10,000 cancer deaths per year, with a high incidence of bone cancer among men exposed to fluoridated water.

No one has ever suffered from a fluoride deficiency. That's because the human body does not need fluoride! Fluoride is a false magic bullet solution from a bygone era. Now, 65 years after water fluoridation began, it's time for the UK's medical authorities to realise that this stuff is just plain bad for you... Clearly, these guys are way out of touch when it comes to the latest studies on fluoride.

Apart from that, it is also very undemocratic to allow one person to decide the conditions for membership, and actual membership, of the committees considering fluoridation proposals, as well as the procedure those committees will follow when coming to a decision... and all that without consulting the public.

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