Thursday, September 1, 2011

'Showbiz Tonight' Flashpoint: LiLo parties with Paris - again

'Showbiz Tonight' Flashpoint: LiLo parties with Paris - again

Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton were spotted partying it up in Malibu, California over the weekend, and boy did it bring back memories of the days when their shenanigans were all anyone talked about.

Lindsay is still on probation for her theft and DUI convictions, so is partying all night with Paris really a good idea? Everyone knows when these two get together, it's T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Now I'm not an addiction specialist. I don't know Lindsay Lohan. I don't know Paris Hilton. It's nice that they're friends.

But it is clear that Lindsay has substance issues. The courts have addressed them and taxpayer dollars were spent on proceedings which resulted in Lindsay being ordered to treatment.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that Lindsay should not be spending any time near any place where she could be even remotely tempted to indulge. And anybody who calls herself a "friend" would not take Linds out to party. Am I missing something here?

So what do you think? It's our "Showbiz" Flashpoint: Is it no big deal that Lindsay and Paris were partying together? Or is it nuts? Could Lindsay be risking rehab again? Post below.

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