Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kevin Smith: I'll 'always owe' Tiger Woods

Kevin Smith: I'll 'always owe' Tiger Woods
Director/actor Kevin Smith tells CNN he’s eternally grateful to golf star Tiger Woods for deflecting media attention away from him when he was “too fat to fly.”

Last year, the “Red State” director was kicked off a Southwest Air flight because he wasn’t able to comfortably fit in his seat. Smith had originally purchased two tickets for the Oakland-to-Burbank trip, but when he was bumped to an earlier flight, only one seat was available. After being seated, he was asked to leave.

In a statement, Southwest explained that Smith’s removal was for the "safety and comfort of all customers."

"It was really bad [and] disconcerting. And that fake plastic heart in their logo, I thought was just absolute bull-- and I lost all faith in humanity,” Smith, 41, says of the experience.

“I sat there for three days going, 'Life will never be the same, I'm humiliated, there's nowhere to go, nothing to do. I can't retain my cool, my credibility's shot. How am I supposed to be that Kevin Smith if I'm that dude who just got booted off the plane for being fat?'”

Luckily, the director was rescued from bad press by a certain golf superstar: “Three days later Tiger Woods came out and was like, 'I cheated on my wife,' and nobody cared I was fat anymore,” Smith recalls of the scandal. “I love Tiger Woods! I don't care about golf, but I'll always owe him."

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